Imagine a world that reward you for your interest in a brand !
World which promotion you want to be informed of!
AppInMail introduce
first e-marketing responsible platform which reward users to protect their privacy! combine two disruptives technologies To make your email experience unforgettable and to protect your privacy
Email active content
One developped by to make the email secure, private & dynamic with an exciting new user experience.
100% of advertising budget goes to the users
Secured by blockchain technology the advertising budget is converted into AppInMail Network Token (@NT) and securely placed in the campaign smart contract.
Everything is then fully automated and trustable each time the user do an action on a dynamic email, like click fulfill a form or buy a product, he will receive @NT as a reword according to the rules defined in the Smart Contract.
How it works
Be part of this new digital economy more respectfull of your rigth
All what was exposed before is possible thanks to this new email technology EAC developped by AppInMail.
It’s easy and totally free.
@NT exchanger - easiest way to buy and sell @NT crypto token
Register and become a part of the new digital economy.
Thanks to AppInMail administration page, you keep 100% the control of your privacy!
Roadmap is planned to be fully operational for SEP 2018, but EAC technology is already up and running and you can enable your email with it today.